Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Day 21

I was so antsy today that I left work an hour early to start our girl's night even sooner.  We were shocked to find out that our 4:20 p.m. movie was $10, I guess that early of a movie isn't considered a matinee anymore.  The movie was fun though and matched the book well overall.  The majority of the theater were teenagers and they were swooning and freaking out over every little kiss and stare Edward gave.  It was pretty hilarious and he was cute, can't blame those teeny bopper girls at all.

I think I will re-read the series, the book is 99.9 percent always better.  We rolled deep to the movies, there were about eleven of us that ended up going.  So happy it's Friday and another weekend is here!  It's been a long week and I'm ready for my mini holiday vacations to start.  Next week I'll be off from Nov. 26 to the following Monday.

Time for a much needed consecutive break.

Lounging around in my pjs all day is in order.

Day 22

Day 20