Day 28
I was an early bird in more ways than one today. First, I met up with Jo at 5 a.m. this morning to go shopping among the crowds. People weren't too crazy, just oblivious and tired. I can't even count how many people ran into our carts at Best Buy alone. I just heard about the Walmart worker that got trampled to death while trying to open the store gate in New York. That is beyond ridiculous and sad. They are only sales people, calm down. Anyway, we didn't run into anything that nutso on our rounds. I think this is our third time going shopping the day after Thanksgiving and we have a blast everytime. We've got our route down and we just move move move.
I think we'd be great on Amazing Race, but that's another story. ;)
The other way that I'm an early bird is that the tree is up already. We upgraded our tree this year to the cutest little 4 1/2 foot realistic fake tree. It's so cute. Pre-lighted is a bonus! So we're all done, some gifts are already nestled under it. However, I can't find the star to save my life.
I've torn this house upside down and so has DH. Craziness. I went to bed at 11:30 p.m. last night after spending the day with three separate friends/family. Then I got up at 4 a.m. to shop like a mad woman. I am tired but I had my second wind and have been running non-stop.
Were you lounging all day or did you brave the crowds?
**** I can't eject the Twilight soundtrack. Love it!