Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

What a Tease

Many many bloggers say they are a bad blogger but for me it is a 100 percent true statement.  I am.  How am I going to post about a surprise and still not deliver?  Not cool at all, I know.  Well good news, I fixed the problem or bypassed it so that's done.  The surprise is coming very soon, I'm working on it.  I better hurry up because it is a Christmas surprise, so there's a hint.

To make up for it, here are some photos of our wee little tree.  We found a star today so now I can show you the whole thing.  Felt naked without one.  Finding a star for a four and a half foot tree is not easy.  If you are looking, check out Michael's.

This is the ornament we bought in Jamaica on our honeymoon.  Isn't she the cutest?  She is made up of shells and her wings are raffia.

This reindeer has holly on his back and he is so squishable, it says 2008 on his tummy.

And here is our wee little tree, so adorable and full.  Love him.

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