Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Our First Christmas

This year will be our first Christmas together being married and I was toying with the idea of sending cards.  I never sent any when I was single and neither did Raul.  Then you get married and I wondered if it was weird to send them when you don't have kids.  Most Christmas cards I receive are kids only.  But I thought it would be a cute tradition to illustrate a card and send it out this year.

So fun to sketch little versions of us.  I think they turned out pretty cute!

Today marks the first day of my NINE DAY VACATION.  Yes, that deserves all caps.  One of my projects on my time off (since you know I can't just sit still, ever) is to re-do our office.  I swear I have not forgotten to post house pics but what is holding me back big time is the office.  We've pretty much streamlined every area of this house except for the office.  So that is a big project for this weekend.  Plus, the sun has disappeared a lot lately and we've had below zero temps.  Must have sunlight for good pics.

The New Office

Cakes and Beauty