Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.


unionstation Two in a row?!  Unheard of.

I couldn't get home fast enough today.  Even though I felt like that, I stayed after work and worked out on the elliptical for 45 minutes.  Have to take advantage of that free gym right?  Now I'm trying to figure out how to go further with organizing my images.  Since I was freaking out over backing up I now have everything sorted by year and then broken down by month.  That is it.  Since the end of January I've been using Lightroom's organization method of having the year folders full of day folders (plus meta data now!).  I love that, but, do I go back and do that for the past years as well?

That is going to take forever.

Pros:  I will do this one time in my life.  Everything will be on the same page. Cons:  All of that time is not going to be fun.  Purchase Advil for the headaches that are about to come.

I know there is at least one photographer out there reading this.  How do you organize your files?  Do tell.

Illustration Friday - Legendary

Absence Sucks