Bolder Boulder 2009.
Was a blast. So glad I did it and survived. My knees are a little sore after running six miles yesterday but it was worth it. I've been wanting to run it for two years now. The year before last I waited too late to register and then the year after that I was in the middle of wedding planning so I didn't want to risk an injury (extra cautious!). But this year it was perfect timing so my friends Lindsay and Dave signed up (they are prepping for marathons) and my friend Jo and her fam did too (they run it pretty much every year). So I signed up and last but not least, Raul signed up. He was on the fence for awhile but he did it and I'm proud of him.
I'm happy with my time, six miles in under an hour and a half. Next year I will be making some changes though.
No. 1 - make sure your brand new playlist that you made especially for the race gets synced to your ipod. *
No. 2 - no matter how empty you may feel, use the bathroom again before the race so you don't have to stop at a nasty porta-pottie during the race.
No. 3 - eat pasta but do not eat mac and cheese before the race, no matter how small the portion. it hates you with a passion.
*The Killers helped me get through and kept me hyped. Thank you guys.
**** P.S. We leave for our Seattle and Vancouver trip on Friday! If you know of any great spots that we must see, let me know!