Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Cute squared.

Yesterday was an overload of cuteness.  My friend told me about a pond with baby geese so I checked them out.  So glad she told me, they are adorable!  My other friend was my lookout because I was surrounded by territorial grown geese ready to pounce on any threat.  Luckily they left me alone and I got to get in close.  Say it with me, "aawww".

Next the baby bunnies are out so I caught this one lounging.  I love that his back legs are to the side.  He's sitting on pebbles and he could fit in the palm of your hand.  Teeny tiny.

So be like the bunny and be lazy this weekend.  It is gorgeous here and I'll try to take my own orders and relax a bit.  Have a great one!

Illustration Friday - Early

Illustration Friday - Equipment