Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Illustration Friday - Satellite

godzilla Baby Godzilla launched onto the beach like a satellite into orbit, destroying every sandcastle in his way.  This is my attempt for the theme of Satellite for Illustration Friday and it is also an entry for 52 Designs.

I'll start by saying I am super sick.  I have been sleeping like a cat since yesterday, awake for one hour every five if that.  No energy, not pretty.  Summer colds are the worst.  I can't taste anything, everything is hazy, I am starving non-stop, ugh.  But since I was home I really wanted to get an entry in for a Godzilla contest over at Sketchoholic.  Derek Thompson works as a creature designer and concept artist for Pixar.  This was a contest accompanying his interview since is a big Godzilla fan.

Time for more Alka-Seltzer Cold and another nap.  Please cold go away by tomorrow, I have a hair appointment and tickets to see Eclipse!

Illustration Friday - Giant

Illustration Friday - Paisley