Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Illustration Friday - Spent

spent This bird spent all of its time relaxing and daydreaming.  I spent all of my money on watercolors.  ;)

This is my attempt for the theme of Spent for Illustration Friday and it is also an entry for 52 Designs.  Maybe I am exaggerating but I've been focusing on building my skills in watercolor lately.  An interesting journey so far.  So glad my friend Christie and I took a class at JoAnn's craft store during the summer.  Now I keep checking out a million watercolor books and watching dvds on the subject too.  Getting a feel for the water on the paper and water on the brush is so tricky.  I've been researching light boxes too because that would be perfect to be able to trace my sketches on watercolor paper.  This one looks like a good one but then I think about making one of my own from scratch too.  Too ambitious?  Not sure yet.

Some watercolor goodies I've found:

Illustration Friday - Afterwards

Illustration Friday - Racing