Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Illustration Friday - Warning

warning Warning, warning!  I'm about to share some really great news.

My hubs and I just bought our first house.  So excited!!!!!  The process was grueling.  We found our house November of last year and just now closed on it today.  It was insane.

But anyway, it is ours now and it needs a lot of work so I will be sharing the process here in bits.  Just so ready to get our hands on it already.  So if you follow me on twitter and I kept getting upset and leaving down-in-the-dumps tweets, you know why now.  One hundred percent silver linings now and we are so exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, happy, elated, but overall OVERJOYED to build our new nest together.  So yay!

I'm going to make this house into a print or postcard but I think I'm going to close shop on my little shop while we move and all that good stuff.  If you need a little something something, head on over and shop away.  :)

Illustration Friday - Cultivate

Illustration Friday - Swarm