I am taking an online watercolor class called "Going Green" by Vinita Pappas. The things I wanted to get out of this class the most was how to mix color, see another artist's process and just see better. It helps that it is a loose class, meaning you get the assignments and work on them in your own time during the three week course. Homework is due on Mondays but that is mainly just an incentive not to fall behind.
First we completed color charts to see how different yellows combined with different greens. Then we mixed colors and tried to place them in the correct quadrants, I messed up in a few spots but I have a much better understanding now. You can tell where I am in my life by seeing the next two pics, they are results of color hunting. Finding green objects, yellow objects and blue objects. Then trying to mix their colors on a scrap piece of paper. (See "nose sucker" for a light blue and "zip and play" for my yellow).
I was interested in Vinita's "Loosen Up" class too but there was no way I could attempt that with a 2-3 week old. This class is great, frustrating at times but that is all a part of change right? So far, so good!