Happy New Year! Since January was a wash for me, I am declaring a new New Year, right now.
I have fantastic news to share and it happened toward the end of last year. My watercolor birdies are being used in the packing for a mother and baby products line in Chile. :) I think the end result looks beautiful, Carmen at Leon Del Monte did a wonderful job!
One thing I did manage to get done in January was to re-open my shop on Etsy, three new prints have been listed (Sweater Whales, Cool Cats and Slouchy Bird).
Since most of the house is organized and under control (ha ha), I 've been focusing on getting things organized digitally:
Feedly - working well for checking up on favorite illustration sites, beauty gurus, you name it.
Inbox Zero - the number of emails in my inbox is embarassing and crazypants so I am becoming a little ninja and anhilating them one by one.

Here's a sunset shot from December I wanted to share.

Thanks to Michelle Kondrich and her kale chips recipe, I was able to try them out. Not bad for my first go but it still tasted very kale-y. I'll try again though, Raul liked them too.
Kale Chips
Take one bunch of kale, tear all the leaves away from the stems. Try to keep them on the small-ish side. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Drizzle with olive oil (go by instinct the more you make it), toss, then add salt and toss. Bake for 5-6 minutes, take it out and shake it around or use a spatula to flip it over and stir it around. Bake another 5 minutes. When you do it the first few times, keep a fairly close eye on it. The best is when it's mostly crispy but still greenish.

I made some of my Green Lemonade to go with the chips, delicious!
Green Lemonade
3 fuji or pink lady apples 5-6 stalks of kale 1/2 lemon 1 head of romaine bit of fresh ginger (to taste)
I cut out the apple cores and get rid of the seeds in the lemon. Toss all ingredients in a juicer and you're good to go.

We have no trees in our backyard and the deck has stairs so all the nature action is on ground level. Found a beautiful bird feeder and this little couple has claimed it as their own already.
This post was random and all over the place but this is how January left me. Feel like I'm playing catch up. Blowing the dust off of my goals and going at them full force again.