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What to Expect When You Are Expecting.

We are back in newborn baby territory and it is a little different this time around than it was with Addison who is now two, going on three in May.

Pack a bag a month before the due date Raul and I were on top of this as well as going to classes together, etc when we were expecting Addison. But for some reason I just thought not a whole bunch would change with Zoe. So we were all shocked when my "Braxton Hicks" were more than just that and actual labor. I had to pack in between contractions and Raul had to do the same for him and A, it was crazy but we did it. So yea, pack a bag in advance!

Sleep when the baby sleeps This one was huge. With Addy I was absolutely in awe of her and I stared at her, cleaned the house, basically did anything besides sleeping when she slept. Now with Z I take any opportunity to sleep when she does. I feel much more refreshed and the time I do spend staring at her, just taking her all in is pure quality and I love it.

Relax more and prioritize The world doesn't stop spinning when you have little ones and realizing that whatever you need to get to will be there when you are ready to tackle it is key. Certain errands aren't as important and that is ok. When the time is right, you will get to it, so don't rush or over extend yourself.

Use an app We didn't use an app to calculate feedings and diaper changes with Addy. This time around we found FeedBaby and it is THE BEST. The whole time that we were in the hospital and the nurses would ask about feedings/diapers, we would just show them the app. Ain't nobody got time to memorize every feeding/last breast nursed on, etc. Ah, best thing ever.

Hindsight is 20/20, even if you have had just 1 kiddo, what advice would you give/lessons learned?