Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.


one year anniversary re-run to celebrate the resurrection of the page!
Holy crap that was hard but I did it all by myself (with some help from the forums). I finally had a free evening where I could crack down (with Advil sitting beside my computer) and re-install Movable Type. It wasn't without a lack of drama. :::moment of silence for my archives::: They are all gone. Corrupted database and all. All because I used up my 50 MB! They need to fix that.

But oh well, I'm back and I'm just glad I can sleep extra well knowing this is OVER WITH. But I did get more comfortable with Movable Type and FTP so I guess everything has an upside in some sort of way.

I'll write more later but right now it's Friday night, midnight, and I'm pooped...

P.S. - Check out this illustrator...er...cartoonist? I don't know the exact verbage but I like what he's doing. Great energy, great sense of humor, and color. So cute.
