Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.


illustration friday - phoenix
Break is over, time to draw again. I missed it more than I knew. This is my interpretation for "phoenix". I'm sure there are a ton of images of majestic looking birds that rise every 500 years. I wanted a nerd. A Woody Allen, not so perfect, nerd of a bird. hehe.

Nerdy phoenix, see you in another 500 years.

Now I can go peek at the others. Everytime I missed a chance to participate, I didn't check out the others. I miss that community so much. Flickr and Illustration Friday are my favorite places on the web. Encouraging, inspirational, exciting. Thanks guys for that.

**** Today I've been a bum and a half because my friend is hooked to this show that I first told her about, Dexter. It's different than I thought it would be. Dark but comical. Pulls you in, much too interesting.

Thanks a lot Marlena! Hmph.

New Job Illo

Turtle Cake