Watercolor artist in Denver, CO, painting super cute character illustrations and teaching other women self-care through the practice of watercolor painting.

Bag O Links

*Step by step she lugged the sturdy linen bag. The sound of the bag shuffled against the concrete. She huffed and puffed wondering when it would end. Finally, she reached her destination, promptly plopped down, and started to open the bag. There were a bunch of links inside to share. Enjoy! robot the robot - entertaining flash stuff - via dubtastic shimanism - check out the artwork and illustrations - via dubtastic graphic junkies deadline is coming up - via dubtastic bird and moon - via kean scroll down for a picture of kean, cute. Kazu draws for Jackie Chan's new movie

*Excuse the silly mood. I am so silly because I found out my request for Friday off is APPROVED!!! FOUR day weekend baby!!! :::does 23 backflips:::

Getting Out Of Dodge

Retro Fabric